
People of the Wild Atlantic Way Photography Project -Part 1

People of the Wild Atlantic Way Photography Project - This slideshow of people from West Cork on the Wild Atlantic Way featured at the PUBLIC EYE SOAR PROJECTION FESTIVAL, Panama City, Florida. The slideshow was projected onto the sides of buildings throughout the city for the duration of the festival.

The slideshows were a great success and generated great interest with other cities in America expressing an interest in featuring future slideshows of portraits as part of their own arts and photography festivals

People of the Wild Atlantic Way Photography Project -Part 2

This slideshow of people from West Cork on the Wild Atlantic Way featured at the PUBLIC EYE SOAR PROJECTION FESTIVAL, Panama City, Florida. The slideshow was projected onto the sides of buildings throughout the city for the duration of the festival.

The slideshows were a great success and generated great interest with other cities in America expressing an interest in featuring future slideshows of portraits as part of their own arts and photography festivals