People of the Wild Atlantic Way –
Kat Koch – Jazz Vocalist.
‘If I had to give advice to my younger self, I would have said, really learn to listen, that would have made music way easier to learn. When you learn to listen, you realise that there is a lot in the spaces, you are not trying to stuff them full, it can become exhausting always trying to fill the space with something.
When I do that, it opens up an entirely new world and I feel relaxed and open to the moment, ideas come in and I can follow them more easily, I also become inspired by the musicians I’m playing with.
Another thing I would have told myself was, never apologise for love, sometimes it can get messy, or maybe there are some things that need apologising for, but never apologise for loving someone. As a singer, the more I open up to my emotions and feelings, the more my body resonates, and the more interesting my music becomes. I become free, instead of performing, I am living the music.’
Great singer, great words.