Posts by Shay Hunston

Lizzie Reid – Castletownbere, West Cork.
People of the Wild Atlantic Way - Lizzie Reid - Castletownbere, West Cork. 'What inspires me is kindness and gratitude in other people . I notice that if you are helpful and friendly to others it brightens up their lifes . People treat you as you treat them, empathy and compassion are powerful and very […]

Pat O’Driscoll – Castletownbere, West Cork.
People of the Wild Atlantic Way - Pat O'Driscoll - Castletownbere, West Cork. 'I'm inspired by my surroundings, the ocean, the mountains and nature. I have recently taken up painting, and I love to paint flowers and seascapes. The flowers are not a specific type, I paint them from my imagination, I like to bring […]

Aoife Doolan – Bantry, West Cork.
People of the Wild Atlantic Way - Aoife Doolan - Bantry, West Cork. 'Music and painting make up my everyday. I live through music and art. That's how I see my environment, how I negotiate the landscape and the people around me. I can't pass a day without creating something from what I see. I […]

Siobhán Murphy – Castletownbere, West Cork.
People of the Wild Atlantic Way - Siobhán Murphy - Castletownbere, West Cork. 'If I had a day off, my perfect day would be to take the coast road on a sunny day from Allihies to Eyeries, taking a detour to visit the sea arches, a hidden gem that most people don't know about. Its […]

Kieran Murphy – Castletownbere, West Cork.
People of the Wild Atlantic Way - People of Castletownbere Exhibition. A big thank you to all the people of Castletownbere for a wonderful evening yesterday at the opening of their 'People of Castletownbere Exhibition' as part of the 'People of the Wild Atlantic Way Photography Project.' Well done to all the members of Castletownbere […]

Pat Murphy – Castletownbere, West Cork.
~INVITATION ~ PEOPLE OF CASTLETOWNBERE PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION. The wonderful people of Castletownbere would like to invite everybody to the exhibition launch of portrait photograph's of local people tomorrow night, Sat, 24th at 7pm in St, Peter's Churchyard in the centre of the town. I would like to thank everybody from Castletownbere for all their help […]

Tim Healy – Leap, West Cork.
People of the Wild Atlantic Way - Tim Healy - Leap, West Cork. 'The best advice I ever received in life was when I came to live in Leap in 1983. I knew of a local lad who had a reputation for liking a bit of a 'Work Out', he was well able to look […]

Eileen McNicholl – Leap, West Cork.
People of the Wild Atlantic Way - Eileen McNicholl - Leap, West Cork. 'My fathers words still ring true today, He use to often say - If you have nothing good to say about someone - say nothing!'

Kat Koch – Bantry, West Cork.
People of the Wild Atlantic Way - Kat Koch - Jazz Vocalist. 'If I had to give advice to my younger self, I would have said, really learn to listen, that would have made music way easier to learn. When you learn to listen, you realise that there is a lot in the spaces, you […]

Danny Vincent Smith – Bantry, West Cork.
People of the Wild Atlantic Way - Danny Vincent Smith - Bantry, West Cork. 'I started painting as long ago as I can remember, this passion for painting started from there. Every hour I would be thinking and looking for some kind of angle for a painting, observing everyday life, watching people's faces, their expressions, […]

People of Leap Photography Exhibition –
People of leap, West Cork, on the Wild Atlantic Way - A big thank you to all the people of Leap and especially those that took part in the photo shoot as part of the People of the Wild Atlantic Way Photography Project. Congratulations also for the wonderful outdoor exhibition of the photographs that the […]

Neill Clarke – Bantry, West Cork.
People of the Wild Atlantic Way - Neill Clarke - Bantry, West Cork. 'I'm inspired by nature, I'm overtaken by the beauty and majesty of everything I see around me in the natural world. Nature is a part of the very essence of our lives. I can remember many Summers messing about in boats in […]

Irene Dunne – Bantry, West Cork.
People of the Wild Atlantic Way - Irene Dunne - Bantry, West Cork. 'The story of a song is very important to me and I need to be able to connect and immerse myself in it. If I'm feeling down or going through a difficult time in my life, singing has always had the power […]

Noel Burke – Bantry, West Cork.
People of the Wild Atlantic Way - Noel Burke - Bantry, West Cork. 'I often wonder would it be worse to be blind or deaf. I think I'd really miss the music because everyday I listen to music. I just spent a week in America playing music and to be able to play twice a […]

Bernie O’Sullivan – Bantry, West Cork.
People of the Wild Atlantic Way - Bernie O'Sullivan - Bantry, West Cork. 'There is a beauty in everything and we must have our eyes open wide enough to see it. My favourite word is a Japanese word - Meraki, which means, doing something with total love and pure soul, leaving a little piece of […]

JJ Crowley – Bantry, West Cork.
People of the Wild Atlantic Way - JJ Crowley - Bantry, West Cork. 'I'm a retired publican but still farming and that's what keeps me going, plus a few greyhounds, they are my passion. I travel alot to local meetings such as Clonakilty and Bandon, and then onto Clonmel for the Irish Cup. I even […]

Nora Barry – Bantry, West Cork.
People of the Wild Atlantic Way - Nora Barry - Bantry, West Cork. 'I was born on a farm about ten miles from Bantry in a valley called Cappabue North. To get to school in Cappabue South we had to cross over a mountain, which we did twice a day, forty minutes there and back […]

Bean Dolan – Bantry, West Cork.
People of the Wild Atlantic Way - Bean Dolan - Bantry, West Cork. 'Music has chosen my life path, it was through music that I first came to Bantry and its why I stayed. There is a rich diverse musical tradition and heritage in the town and it ranges from classical to traditional music, to […]

Rachel Dare – Bantry, West Cork.
People of the Wild Atlantic Way - Rachel Dare - Bantry, West Cork. 'My favourite poem is - 'Wild Geese' by Mary Oliver. I feel like its something that speaks very directly to me, it goes beyond just reading a page. I have connected to it so many times in my life when I needed […]

Dickie O’Sullivan ‘Poke’ – Bantry, West Cork.
People of the Wild Atlantic Way - Dickie O'Sullivan 'Poke' - Bantry, West Cork. 'I grew up in a house without any electricity and no running water, we had a well two hundred yards from the house and also collected water off the roof in a barrel from the gutters, all clothes were washed by […]

Sherna Malone – Rosscarbery, West Cork.
People of the Wild Atlantic Way - Sherna Malone - Rosscarbery, West Cork. 'Life is not a dress rehearsal - everyday is for real, the camera is always rolling.'

Brian Sheahan – Leap , West Cork.
People of the Wild Atlantic Way - Brian Sheahan - Leap, West Cork. 'Before I die I would like to live a little bit longer.'

Geoff Wycherley – Rosscarbery, West Cork.
People of the Wild Atlantic Way - Geoff Wycherley - Rosscarbery, West Cork. 'My favourite memory from childhood was the long Summer days cycling to the 'Warren' with our clubs across the handle bars to go playing pitch & putt, swimming and fooling around on the dunes with my friends. Is it just me or […]

Kathleen Woumans – Leap, West Cork.
People of the Wild Atlantic Way - Kathleen Woumans - Leap, West Cork. 'My favourite memory - The moment my daughter was born and they placed her on my chest was perfect! The overwhelming feeling of Love and Awe and Wonder that filled ever fiber of my being is something that I will never forget! […]

Mary Murray – Rosscarbery, West Cork.
Mary Murray - Rosscarbery, West Cork. 'Before I die I would like to travel and see more of the world. I have travelled to a lot of countries but always returning to Rosscarbery, West Cork, the most beautiful place in the world.'

Exhibition – Celtic Ross Hotel, West Cork.
People of the Wild Atlantic Way Photography Exhibition at the Celtic Ross Hotel. The exhibition at Cork Airport has finished and all the photographs have been transferred to the Celtic Ross Hotel, Rosscarbery where they are now being exhibited until the 13th July, when they will be auctioned and all proceeds will be donated to […]

Paul Shanahan – Rosscarbery, West Cork.
People of the Wild Atlantic Way - Paul Shanahan - Rosscarbery, West Cork. 'My Favourite Memory - Pairc Uí Rinn, October 16th 2016 at 16.55 ... The Andy Scannell Trophy held aloft by Carbery Rangers captain James Fitzpatrick for the first time in our clubs history. A historic day for our club, community and everyone […]

Eileen Hayes – Rosscarbery, West Cork.
People of the Wild Atlantic Way - Eileen Hayes - Rosscarbery, West Cork. 'My favourite memory from childhood - Having grown up on a farm, there was never a dull moment. The highlight of the year was always the treshing. Eight to ten neighbours would come and help and we looked forward to a half […]

Fr, Pat O’Sullivan – Leap, West Cork.
People of the Wild Atlantic Way - Fr, Pat O'Sullivan - Leap, West Cork. 'What impresses the enthusiasm of the young and the wisdom of the not so young. In a changing, and often confused world, the idealism and social consience of the vast majority of young people never fails to inspire. The calm […]

Fiona Calnan – Rosscarbery, West Cork.
People of the Wild Atlantic Way - Fiona Calnan - Rosscarbery, West Cork. My favourite saying - 'It is what it is!' 'Life can throw many things at you, good and not so good, and you can either fight it or accept it! fighting or ignoring it gets you nowhere, you have to embrace the […]